AK 35 - Your centre of excellence
Ausgleichskasse scienceindustries (AK 35) is your partner for cost-effectively running the state social security schemes AHV (OASI - Old-age and Survivors' Insurance), IV (DI – Disability Insurance), EO (fund for loss of earned income), maternity benefit and family allowances in a way that meets citizens' requirements. We generate consolidated annual business volume of over 4 billion Swiss francs, making us one of the biggest compensation offices in Switzerland. Accordingly, we have extensive experience in solving even the most complex and unusual problems, which you benefit directly from as a customer. Due to the global reach of many of our member companies, we are one of the leading service providers when it comes to the assignment of staff on the international market. For cross-border commuters, we regularly hold joint public information days with the French and German authorities on social security, family allowances, work and taxes.
One point of contact for 26 cantonal family allowance regulations
The Ausgleichskasse scienceindustries has a presence in all cantons and linguistic regions of Switzerland. Companies which have branches in several cantons can process the 26 different cantonal family allowance regulations with us as the single point of contact (instead of 26 cantonal offices).
Low administrative costs
We set great store by streamlined structures. As a collective office, we are not profit-driven, but rather are obliged to offer the affiliated members the best possible value for money. Any surplus from administration fee contributions is consistently refunded. This is guaranteed by our board, which is made up of representatives of the affiliated companies and industries.
High quality standards
We consider quality to be more than just doing our job properly. It is an expression of our strong customer focus: our customers (members, insured persons and pensioners) shall find us friendly, attentive, responsible and non-bureaucratic to deal with. We are constantly seeking to make improvements in this area.
A clear expression of this desire for quality is the certification of our management system according to ISO 9001:2015 (SQS Reg. No. 22663). Fewer than a dozen of the approximately 100 Swiss compensation offices meet this quality standard.
The Certificates